
The ballots have dropped!

The last day to register to vote for the Primary Election is May 23, 2022 — which is just two weeks away!

Voting is the most fundamental element of our Democracy and the future of our state depends on you exercising that precious right.

Here is some key information to remember:
  • Drop Boxes close at 8PM on Election Day.
  • When returning your vote-by-mail ballot by mail with prepaid postage, please make sure it’s postmarked on or before Election day and received by June 14, 2022.
  • When casting your vote in-person, go to a secure ballot drop box or to a voting location or to your county elections office by 8:00 p.m. on June 7, 2022.
  • Make sure to sign and date the back of the Official Return Envelope before dropping off your ballot.
  • Don’t forget to return your vote-by-mail ballot by mail before Election Day (June 7, 2022)!

Thank you in advance for practicing your voting rights,



Authorized & Paid For By Mike Thompson For Congress
Mike Thompson for Congress
PO Box 10541
Napa, CA 94581
United States