Hello John,
Powerful visuals are an essential part of online campaigns. In my years running digital for nonprofits and unions, I loved working with professional graphic designers for my online content, but that’s not always possible with our timelines or budgets.
That’s why Netroots educational partner, New Media Mentors, is excited to partner with design strategist and visual artist Ange Tran on Strategic Design Skills for Communications and Organizing. It's a new online seminar to help non-designers learn design thinking.
This is a three-part, interactive online seminar combining instruction and workshopping with your peers. The sessions are June 14, 21 and 28 from 1-2:15pm ET.
This format will help you internalize what we are teaching and apply it to your work right away.
Creating graphics is one of the most common stumbling blocks I’ve seen among the people I train. It’s not enough for something to be pretty or polished. It’s not even a question of technical skills. It’s all about the strategy.
Learn more about our June course and take your skills to the next level!
Elana Levin
New Media Mentors
A hands-on learning program that helps nonprofits build their power and win campaigns.