

Without our members and supporters we wouldn’t have been able to reach our highest number of councillors ever - 545 on 166 councils.


Our clear vision for the future, for a future of Green jobs, warmer homes and fairer, greener communities have allowed us to take votes in places traditionally thought of as Conservative and Labour strongholds.


It is clear that for voters, the current government are not delivering on the cost of living crisis, or on the energy crisis, and certainly not on the environment. Green policies are needed now more than ever. We must get more Greens in the room to turn these policies into reality.


We've seen that a Green in the room changes everything. Imagine what can be achieved when more Green MPs join Caroline Lucas to hold this government to account.


At the Green Party we are now focusing on building a movement for the General Election to achieve this aim. And this is where you are vital.

We need you to join us so that we can mobilise, organise and get more Green MPs elected in the general election.


We cannot do it without significantly building our membership base. We rely on our members for the long-term income necessary to organise campaigns, and get the next MP elected.

With you on board, Green councillors across England and Wales can work to act on the climate emergency and ensure that people and planet are at the heart of local politics. Will you join our movement?


Thank you again for all your support. We look forward to welcoming you,


- The Green Party