Are soaring gas prices impacting you and your family? Big Oil’s greed is partly to blame.
Hi Friend,
Are soaring gas prices impacting you and your family? Big Oil’s greed is partly to blame.
Companies like ExxonMobil and Shell are raking in record profits, enriching themselves and their stockholders as Americans are forced to compensate for crude oil shortages at the pump.
It’s time we put an end to Big Oil’s exploitation of our environment and our economy. That starts with taxing Big Oil’s windfall profits and giving that money back to working families who are struggling to make ends meet amidst record-high inflation.
Sign if you agree: It’s time to put an end to Big Oil’s profiteering at the expense of pocketbooks and our planet.
You don’t need me to tell you that gas prices are up and that this is hurting working families. You already know how fossil fuel dependence damages our planet. But what you might not realize is just how much Big Oil thrives on political instability.

I won’t stand by while Big Oil’s outrageous avarice wrecks our environment and economy. But I need to show that my fellow Americans are with me. Sign the petition: I support the Big Oil Windfall Profits Tax.
In Solidarity,