Demand Canadian Mining Company Restore Drinking Water

Demand Canadian Mining Company Restore Drinking Water

Dear John,

Equinox Gold hasn’t restored clean drinking water to the Aurizona community in the Brazilian Amazon in more than a year. This is unacceptable. Take action now and tell Equinox Gold to do their job and restore the community’s clean drinking water. 

On March 25, 2021, an Equinox Gold retention dam called Lagoa do Pirocaua failed, contaminating drinking water for thousands of people downstream from the mine. Equinox Gold, a Canadian company, is violating the internationally recognized human right of access to clean drinking water by failing to attend to the demands of impacted community members.

We condemn the company’s failure to act and are concerned about the indifference of the Brazilian government towards the affected community. 

Sign the petition and call on Equinox Gold to comprehensively address the violations of the rights of community members in Aurizona.

In Solidarity,

Jan Morrill,
Tailings Campaign Manager, Earthworks

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