Your update from the change-makers at

Big rallies this Saturday 👇

We are at a tipping point for the erosion of our rights and it starts with women's health. Please show up and let our voices against the abortion ban be heard. Two great rallies this Saturday in Princeton and Westfield.

Saturday, May 14th, 10:30 - 12:30pm

Hinds Plaza

Sylvia Beach Way, Princeton NJ 08542

ATNJ Volunteers will be registering folks with Online Voter Registration (and paper applications for those who want them), and signing up registered voters in Vote By Mail. Come by the ATNJ table and take a picture with us. We hope to see you.

Also on Saturday is a rally in Westfield. Congressman Tom Malinowski will be there.

Saturday, May 14th, 3:30 - 5:30pm

Mindowaskin Park, Westfield

In democracy,

Winn and ATNJ Volunteers

Do or Donate. Democracy requires all of us.


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