Rachel Maddow: Putting the government in control of women's lives in this way changes something fundamental about who we are as a country, who we are as a culture, and who we are as men and women.

Sign the petition now to CONDEMN Trump’s extremist Supreme Court Justices.

Trump's Supreme Court Justices.

ADD MY NAME: Condemn Trump’s Supreme Court Justices >>

Issued to [email protected] on 05/11/2022

Republicans have been dreaming about overturning Roe v. Wade ever since Donald Trump stepped into office.

It’s why Mitch McConnell blocked President Obama’s final Supreme Court nominee and rushed to confirm Amy Coney Barrett right after Ruth Bader Ginsberg passed away.

Now, Trump’s Justices just delivered the deciding votes to destroy reproductive rights even though an overwhelming majority of voters think Roe v. Wade should stand.

So we are calling on Democrats around the country to sign our petition to CONDEMN Trump’s Supreme Court Justices for their extremist decision.

petition signers

Our work to protect Roe v. Wade is NOT OVER. Please take just 30 seconds and sign your name to the petition now!

ADD MY NAME: Condemn Trump’s Supreme Court Justices >>

Our work is not done.


Thank you for supporting March On PAC, Friend. Our women-led team worked day and night to power Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to a historic win and flipped Georgia and the Senate BLUE!

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This year is critical for our democracy. To stop a full-on Republican assualt, we must hold our House majority, save our Senate majority and take back control of state houses to ensure our nation represents the voices of all.

Remember: a single Senate seat or just a handful of House seats could decide the remaining years of Biden's presidency and the progressive agenda we fought so hard for. We CANNOT afford to lose!

If you really want to go, click here to unsubscribe from our activist list. If you’d like to chip in to help us elect our endorsed Democratic candidates, click here.

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