Dear Friend,

I'm delighted to announce that our crowdfunder for our upcoming demo at RAF Lakenheath has now reached more than 85% of its target.
In case you missed the news, CND is leading the campaign against plans to station US nuclear weapons at RAF Lakenheath in Suffolk, a military base run by the US. 

We're organising a mass demonstration outside the base on May 21st, and thanks to the generosity of members and supporters, we're well on the way to covering the costs.

This means we've already been able to get materials promoting the demo printed, and transport from all over the country is being arranged.
To those of you who have already donated towards the costs: thank you so much.  
And if you haven't yet, can you help us get to our final target of £4,000 and help prevent the return of US nuclear bombs to the UK?
Yes, I will donate
Your support would make a huge difference in ensuring we can make more of an impact on the day and in the weeks and months to come.

And even if you can't help financially, there are still lots of other ways you can support the campaign. For instance, London Region CND have created a video on the return of US nukes to Lakenheath, which you can watch below. Please do share this video, as well as the link to our crowdfunder, as widely as possible.
The return of US nuclear weapons to the UK can only increase global tensions and put us at greater nuclear risk.

Please help us ensure these terrible weapons don't return to the UK. And I very much hope you can join us on the day.
In peace,
Kate Hudson
General Secretary
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