Are you nervous about the GOP’s promotion of independent state legislature theory, John? We are. Politico: “Republican litigators have increasingly advanced… a reading of the Constitution that state legislators have near-ultimate authority over many election-related decisions, including redistricting, and that state courts have a limited ability – or none at all – to act as a check.” Here’s the kicker: John, we know we can’t trust the conservatives on the Supreme Court! Most of their recent decisions have been disastrous, and their decisions on redistricting in particular have been downright erratic. That’s why we’re not putting our eggs in that basket. Instead, we’re continuing to carry out our multi-pronged strategy to secure fair maps, which includes: ➞ Preventing the GOP from stacking state courts like they stacked the Supreme Court. ➞ Helping elect Democrats who support fair-map efforts. ➞ Holding Republicans accountable for gerrymandering. ➞ Responding to court decisions. ➞ And keeping up the fight for fair redistricting in the states. We can do it with your help. Will you pitch in?
– Team NDRC