Research shows there is a strong connection between gratitude and well-being. Making time for gratitude in our daily lives is a simple way to support a climate of care at school and home. We want to express our sincere gratitude to everyone in the Challenge Success family who challenges narrow definitions of success and fosters learning environments that prioritize healthy, balanced, and engaged learners.
We are grateful for:
The amazing educators, parents, and students we work with every day who are on the frontlines of making changes in their communities.
Our incredible staff, board, and advisors who work tirelessly to promote our mission with more schools, families, and communities.
Our generous donors who allow us to extend our reach and serve a diverse group of students.
Our dedicated community of supporters, including newsletter subscribers and event attendees, who serve as ambassadors of our mission.
Do you know a school striving to create a balanced, engaging environment for all students? Learn more about how we partner with schools to achieve these benefits.
Reflections from Our Fall Fundraiser
“I could have listened to Kelly all day!”
— Fall Fundraiser Attendee
Thank you to everyone who joined us at our Fall Fundraiser Luncheon with author Kelly Corrigan. We were moved to tears of laughter and tenderness as she shared stories from Tell Me More that made us reflect on what “matters most in life.” Our panelists, Denise Pope, Madeline Levine, and Michael Keller inspired us with how the Challenge Success school reform framework is dramatically changing the student experience.
Join Our 2019 Giving Campaign
Adolescents are suffering from the stress and pressure associated with narrow definitions of success, feeling more and more disengaged academically, and increasingly overwhelmed by anxiety. We know based on extensive research that when schools implement Challenge Success reform strategies kids benefit academically, socially, and emotionally. Join our 2019 giving campaign and impact change in our schools and communities so that all kids have the opportunity to thrive. Every donation is part of the solution!
How to Help Ease the Stress of High-Achievers in Your Life by Dr. Denise Pope
Explore three practical tips for parents to help teens get the playtime, downtime, and family time they need to lead healthy, balanced lives.
1. Prioritize sleep
2. Support a healthy and balanced schedule
3. Broaden your definition of success
Many students feel overloaded by their current schedules. Here are two simple yet powerful tools to help students and families reflect on how they spend their time and ensure they are getting a healthy amount of sleep as well as unstructured time every day.
Time Wheel Activity- Tool to help families identify how they spend their time.
Time Management Worksheet- Tool to help students plan what courses to take and extracurriculars to do in an academic time period.
Strategies to Support Student Well-Being and Engagement with Learning Challenge Successpartners with schools, families, and communities to embrace a broad definition of success and to implement research-based strategies that promote student well-being and engagement with learning. We believe that our society has become too focused on grades, test scores, and performance, leaving little time for kids to develop the skills necessary to become independent, resilient, and ethical individuals. Learn more about our impact and how to support our mission. Challenge Success is a non-profit organization affiliated with the Stanford University Graduate School of Education.