John — we need to take drastic action to protect Roe v. Wade.

The Senate is preparing to vote on codifying Roe v. Wade tomorrow. Sign our petition if you agree the Senate must protect reproductive rights immediately >>


This is what Mitch McConnell and Senate Republicans wanted all along.

After McConnell stole a Supreme Court seat from President Obama, he and Trump packed the Court with their conservative allies, Brett Kavanaugh, Neil Gorsuch, and Amy Coney Barrett. Now they could be on the edge of overturning Roe v. Wade for good.

Not only would 26 states restrict or ban abortion entirely if Roe is gone, but Senate Republicans are already debating restrictions for all FIFTY states. Over the weekend, Mitch McConnell even said a national abortion ban was "possible" if Roe is overturned.

Time is running out to make our voices heard.

Add your name if you agree: It’s time the Senate protect reproductive rights and codify Roe v. Wade >>


Thanks for speaking out,

Defend the Senate