Building a progressive coalition is key to making progress.

Ilhan for Congress

Now more than ever, friends, we need unapologetically bold, progressive voices in Congress — that's why I’m asking you to split a contribution between my campaign, Summer Lee (PA-12), and Nida Allam (NC-04) ahead of their competitive primaries next week.

Right now, Summer and Nida are up against millions of dollars in false attacks and smears from super PACs, including from AIPAC — the same group that is also supporting more than 100 insurrectionist Republicans.

It’s no surprise that AIPAC — who has repeatedly launched racist, Islamophobic attack ads against me — is going after two more progressive women of color with everything they’ve got. Here’s why helping Summer and Nida win their primaries is so important:

Nida Allam is a changemaker in her community — using her platform as Durham County Commissioner to vote for a $15 an hour minimum wage for county employees and leading the charge to provide property tax relief for those who need it most.

Summer Lee knows that you get what you organize for, and as a state legislator, she’s organized to block dangerous fracking proposals and fought in her community for sustainable jobs, environmental justice, and police accountability.

Nida and Summer will make history and bring important representation to the House as the first Muslim Congresswoman from the South and the first Black Congresswoman from Pennsylvania.

But our movement is bigger than one cause or candidate. That’s why it’s so important that we all win our elections so that together, we can fight as a progressive coalition to pass transformative policies like Medicare for All and a Green New Deal, strengthen workers’ rights, and protect the right to choose at this pivotal moment in our nation’s history.

The only thing getting in our way is the status quo — but this team has proven time and time again that organized people beat organized money, and we can do it again by coming together to elect Nida and Summer. That’s why I’m asking you urgently before Nida and Summer’s primary elections next week:

Can you split a contribution of any amount between Nida, Summer, and my campaign to help us build our progressive power in Congress and deliver bold change for our communities?

If you've saved your payment information with ActBlue Express, your donation will immediately be split between Nida Allam, Summer Lee, and Ilhan Omar:

Thanks for your support.

In solidarity,

Ilhan Omar