![]() Patriot, The outbreak of Covid proved just how fragile our food supply could be, when grocery store shelves across America emptied as panicked citizens filled their pantries. It should have been a wake-up call for Congress. A healthy free-market society doesn’t experience food shortages, and America hadn’t seen anything like this since World War II. Congress, of course, consists largely of moral cowards and shameless grifters. Nothing was done. Instead, they— enthusiastically aided by the Federal Reserve— spent newly printed dollars like drunken sailors, mostly for government bureaucrats and pharmaceutical companies, all while paying Americans not to work. Meanwhile, Congress also carried out a politically motivated witch hunt against the former president and his supporters, sabotaged American energy independence, and are now escalating our involvement in the war between Ukraine and Russia, two major global food and energy producers. All the while, they subsidized corn fields for ethanol fuel, a totally wasteful process that does nothing but raise the cost of gas for the benefit of corn companies. It’s been a total recipe for disaster, and now the crisis is almost here. Already, parents across America are reporting shortages of baby formula. U.S. officials could have made such shortages less likely by approving baby formula that is widely available in Europe, but as usual, the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has other priorities. TELL CONGRESS NOW: GET THE GOVERNMENT OUT OF THE
WAY! When asked about the shortages, Jen Psaki, the outgoing White House press secretary, praised the FDA for blocking what she called “compromised” European baby formula – with no evidence to back her claim. Baby formula is one of the most tightly regulated food products in the United States, with the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) dictating the nutrients and vitamins and setting strict rules about how formula is produced, packaged, and labeled. Do they think it’s better for baby formula to be scarce? Do they think their strict regulations will prevent more malnourished babies than a major shortage is causing? But the more dangerous threat is the global fertilizer shortage. According to the International Food Policy Research Institute, prices for nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium were up 125 percent in January compared to the previous year and rose another 17 percent from January to March. Production of nitrogen, which is the most common nutrient applied as fertilizer for crops such as corn, rice, and wheat, requires high heat from the burning of natural gas and oil. When oil and gas prices increase, nitrogen fertilizer prices increase as well. Russia, which is the fourth-largest producer of nitrogen fertilizer may have negatively affected the supply because of its invasion of Ukraine and the Western sanctions that followed. The cost of transportation for the fertilizers also became a contributing factor to the further increase in prices. This may become a national emergency if the situation worsens. And with government regulations making it more difficult for truckers and the rail industry, the losers are American citizens. We’re seeing no signs that Congress plans to fix our broken supply chains. They seem oblivious to their destruction of the dollar, and motivated to launch World War III. . . Restoring American energy independence and rolling back all the regulations on food is the least they could do. Tell Congress right now: stop the Biden regime’s assault on the American people through over-regulation! ![]() We need every American patriot to speak out, right now, because this crisis is escalating by the day. The Biden administration is utterly inept and extremely dangerous. They’re gunning for World War 3 at the very moment our economy couldn’t be more fragile. Two years of lockdown lunacy have devastated the American economy and irreparably harmed the next generation of young children. And the way things are going now, American prosperity will soon be nothing more than a memory. We have to stop this madness. Tell Congress right now: get the government out of the way so the American people can thrive again! ![]() Our lawmakers are fiddling while our country burns – and they started this fire by condoning the Biden administration’s war on American energy, small businesses, and farms. If you and I don’t take action NOW to demand our liberty be restored, the American economy will soon look a lot more like Russia’s – and China will laugh all the way to the bank. It only takes a moment to write your congressman and senators using our petition, and if you don’t speak out, who will? Whether your representative is a Republican or Democrat, I can guarantee you one thing they’re obsessed about: getting re-elected and having a majority in the upcoming term. So they all need to know how fed up we are – because they act when enough people speak out. So please, take just one moment to sign our directive to Congress demanding they allow any and every means to get the government off our backs. And then, please consider making a generous contribution to your Campaign for Liberty. We are fighting the statists on all fronts. Personal liberty . . . economic liberty . . . everything is on the line. Whether you can make a contribution of $250, $500, or $1,000, or even if $25 or $50 is a lot to spare in these hard times, any contribution helps us reach and mobilize more Americans to restore our Republic, and every bit helps. Thanks again for all you do for Liberty, John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. The price of everything is rising rapidly. Congress needs to act NOW to rein in the rogue Biden regime’s war on the American people. Be sure to sign the petition right away to demand they put America first and get the government out of the way. And if you support Campaign for Liberty’s ongoing efforts to expose and stop this madness, please support us with a contribution. It’s the only thing that keeps us going. Click here to support Campaign for Liberty. Whether you can make a contribution of $250, $500, $1,000, or whatever you can afford, any contribution helps us reach and mobilize more people. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. The mission of Campaign for Liberty is
to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free markets, and a constitutional
foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |