From Aaron White, PPI <[email protected]>
Subject PPI's Progress Report: Will GOP judges split America in two?
Date May 10, 2022 8:44 PM
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PLUS: U.S. and German fellows discuss innovative local policies as part of PPI-led Transatlantic Think Tank Collaboration

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Progress Report
News, events, and must-read analysis from the Progressive Policy Institute.
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Will GOP judges split America in two?
By Will Marshall, President of the Progressive Policy Institute
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For decades, Republicans railed against “activist judges” who “legislate from the bench.” But that was before they succeeded, during the Trump presidency, in stacking the U.S. Supreme Court with conservative ideologues.

Now Republicans are cheering on a claque of rightwing justices who seem eager to strip Americans of their right to reproductive freedom. Hypocritical? Utterly. Calculated to sew more discord in a deeply divided nation? Check.

“We hold that Roe and Casey must be overruled,” declares a leaked draft opinion ([link removed]) written by Justice Samuel Alito and agreed to by Justices Clarence Thomas and the three Trump appointees, Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett. At issue is the court’s landmark 1973 Roe v. Wade ruling establishing a constitutional right to abortion, and its 1992 Planned Parenthood v. Casey decision affirming that right.

In their Senate confirmation hearings, however, the Trump judges gave no hint that they were prepared to strike down Roe and Casey. On the contrary, they professed respect for Supreme Court precedents and assured senators they wouldn’t put their personal views above their duty to judge whether laws are constitutional. Kavanaugh called ([link removed]) a woman’s right to an abortion “settled law,” and Gorsuch agreed, adding “I accept the law of the land.”

Evidently, these judges weren’t leveling with the American people, to put it mildly. Perhaps they learned from the man who nominated them that the political penalties for being caught in lies these days are weak to non-existent.

Nullifying Roe would allow any state to severely limit or outlaw abortion immediately. Thanks to the demagogic antics of Republican governors in Florida, Texas and other states, we know what that would mean — bifurcating the United States into a red zone, where women could face harsh criminal penalties for terminating a pregnancy, and a blue zone, where abortion would continue to be legal.

Will GOP judges split America in two?
By Will Marshall
for The Hill ([link removed])
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Transatlantic Think Tank Collaboration Concludes Three-City Tour of United States

U.S. and German Fellows traveled to Chicago, Denver, and Austin to discuss innovative local policies

Last week, three transatlantic policy labs — the Progressive Policy Institute ([link removed]) , located in the United States, and Das Progressive Zentrum ([link removed]) , and the Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft ([link removed]) , both located in Germany — concluded a three-city tour of American metro cities, where they met with local policy makers and leaders to discover innovative initiatives that could be applied in cities across the United States, Europe and beyond. The group traveled to Chicago, Denver, and Austin over a two week period.

The project, “New Urban Progress: Transatlantic Dialogue on the Future of Work, Democracy, and Well-being,” was launched in Fall 2019. Twenty American and German project fellows traveled to 10 cities (in both countries) total, with the goal of reimagining transatlantic relations and working collaboratively to cross-fertilize ideas for local innovation and enact policies that will positively impact cities on both sides of the Atlantic.

“While cities around the world face some of the most consequential challenges in decades, this group of young leaders inspires hope for the future of cities and democracy,” said Neel Brown, Managing Director for the Progressive Policy Institute.

New Urban Progress Fellows include local thought leaders from across the policy spectrum, including U.S. and German city governments, think tanks, universities, affordable housing organizations, and more.
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Making Insulin More Affordable
w/ Congressman Dan Kildee (MI-05)

On this week's episode of Radically Pragmatic, Congressman Dan Kildee
(MI-05) sits down with PPI's Director of Health Care Arielle Kane to discuss his bill, the Affordable Insulin Now Act, which passed the House last month and would lower the cost of insulin prescriptions for Americans with diabetes.

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It's another mailbag episode! Jeremiah takes listener questions on the Roe v Wade bombshell leak, which types of taxes neoliberals should support, neoliberalism in East Asia, why we talk about GDP so much, if the excesses of the left led to Trump, and much more.

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