The Growing Financial Risks of Attending College
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As college graduation season begins, let’s gain a clearer perspective on the problems facing young college graduates.
And here’s the (really) sad truth about higher education.
Despite American higher education’s immense (and ever growing) price tag, students are learning less than ever before. As a result, they have little real advantage in the job market—making college, already costly, a risky, possibly worthless, investment.
The sooner we address the problems head on, the sooner we will enjoy the fruits of an educational renaissance.
Thankfully, Restoring the Promise: Higher Education in America, offers powerful prescriptions to cure the underlying problems in higher education.
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“In his book Restoring the Promise, Richard Vedder continues in his role as the conscience of modern higher education. Readers will have to determine their own answers, but Dr. Vedder is asking all the right questions.”
—Mitchell E. Daniels, Jr., President, Purdue University; former Governor, State of Indiana
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