People For Supporter, The fallout over last week's leaked Supreme Court draft decision signalling an end to Roe v. Wade continues ... with more of our fundamental rights potentially on the chopping block, and a looming Senate vote tomorrow that is sadly not likely to overcome a filibuster from far-right senators. So today would be a great day for you to raise some hell with 13 well-known U.S. companies that, while they may talk a big game about respecting the rights of their employees and consumers, have been funding anti-abortion political committees for years. Thanks so much, – The People For Digital Team ----[original message below]---- Dear People For Supporter – In the wake of the stunning news from earlier this week that the Supreme Court is poised to wipe out our constitutional right to abortion, it’s worth a look behind the scenes at how the far-right anti-abortion movement was able to accumulate such a high level of political power – as well as where their funding is coming from. Shockingly, a new report from Popular Information details exactly how some of America’s biggest corporations have funded anti-abortion political committees and candidates to the tune of more than $15 million since 2016[1] – in direct contradiction to some of these companies’ public declarations in support of reproductive rights and justice. Let’s be clear as well – that $15 million figure is an understatement, in that it counts only corporate PAC donations to party committees working to elect far-right, anti-abortion legislators. It does NOT include corporate PAC contributions to individual anti-choice legislators, OR corporate support for anti-abortion non-profits like the Heritage Foundation and the Federalist Society (contributions that do not have to be publicly disclosed). At this point in the Far Right’s continuing assault on our constitutional rights and freedoms, it’s becoming obvious that we need to escalate our fight and engage on a variety of fronts beyond the traditional political ones. America’s biggest corporations now need to take a stand on this fundamental issue, and decide whether they’ll continue to accept responsibility for electing far-right politicians openly hostile to our constitutional rights. Thanks for all you do – and after you send your message, please be sure to share our action alert with some friends to help us build momentum on this issue! In solidarity, Will, People For the American Way
Source: 1. "These 13 corporations have spent $15 million supporting anti-abortion politicians since 2016," Popular Information, 05/04/22