Dear John,

This is it. Today is the end of the second quarter for campaign fundraising. This is my last chance to show Speaker Pelosi and her extreme allies in Minnesota that I am serious about 2020.

Can you help?

When you think about, next year’s election comes down to this: do you support a limited government built on freedoms that believes you know best how to spend your time and money? Or do you support a radical socialist agenda that includes a $93 trillion Green New Deal, a $33 trillion government takeover of your health care, and endless overreaching and, in some cases, unconstitutional policies that drastically change our way of life in northern Minnesota.

Today is the day – this is our last chance to record your donation for inclusion on our quarterly fundraising report.

The books must close at midnight. Click here to help me reach the finish line.

You’ve been standing with us so far. Will you please make your donation before midnight tonight?

Thanks for everything,

Pete Stauber

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Pete Stauber for Congress | 23 W Central Entrance | Box 333 | Duluth | MN | 55811

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