A Voice for Choice Advocacy won't rest until we have
Medical Freedom and Health Rights for all in California!
Since the beginning of the year, A Voice for Choice Advocacy has had hundreds of meetings with legislators and staffers, to try to stop or amend the “BAD CA Bills”. In order to keep on top of all these meetings and ensure we are getting into offices, AVFCA continues to hire two seasoned lobbyists, and at the beginning of the year hired a Legislative Director dedicated to working on CA legislation for AVFCA. The four of us work tirelessly on your behalf to get meetings with legislators and committee staff to communicate our concerns with these bills and have an open dialogue on these important issues. We can see our efforts making a significant difference, with four bills on hold, and a number of others being amended taking our suggestions into consideration.
While our lobbyists and our Legislative Director are fairly compensated, they are A Voice for Choice Advocacy’s largest annual expense. They are worth their weight in gold, but we need your help to ensure we can keep them working for us. AVFCA usually only has one fundraising drive at the end of the year, but with all these bills happening we are reaching out to you today to show your additional financial support.
Please make a donation today to A Voice for Choice Advocacy today, so we can continue doing this critical work!

For other ways to donate and support A Voice for Choice, please see below.

Purchase books, DVDs and more at A Voice for Choice Advocacy - great gifts to awaken during the holiday season. A donation is made to A Voice for Choice Advocacy for ever item you purchase. www.avoiceforchoiceadvocacy.org/shop |

Donate your used vehicle in a hassle free way, while getting a tax deductible receipt for your donation. Just go to: https://careasy.org/nonprofit/a-voice-for-choice |

Support us on Amazon all Season long. Go to https://smile.amazon.com/ and search “A Voice For Choice Inc Mountain View” (Note: there are a number of similarly named organizations so be sure to select the correct one). We will receive 0.5% of each eligible purchase. One key thing to remember is that you have to order on https://smile.amazon.com/, which is the same as Amazon, but just ensures donations. If you order on the regular site, even if you are signed up, we will not benefit. |

If you have stock you would like to donate, you can do so through Stock Donator, which processes stock donations for non profits. https://stockdonator.com/donate-stock-online-now/. A Voice for Choice will receive your donation and you will not have to pay capital gains tax on your donation

If you have cryptocurrency you would like to donate, you can to A Voice for Choice through Every.org, which processes cryptocurrency donations for non profits: https://www.every.org/a-voice-for-choice. |

Most large corporations have some kind of matching program when their employees donate or even volunteer time to a non-profit organization. This means that, if you or someone in your family, works for one of these corporations, and donates to A Voice for Choice, we will get a matching donation from the corporation. We are on most corporate matching lists (and if not can easily be added). Please talk to your HR department to find out if they will match donations. If you make a donation to A Voice for Choice (or have done in the past year) and work for a corporation that matches funds, please be sure to let them know that you have donated and request the funds to be matched. Here is a small sample of what different corporations match: https://360matchpro.com/matching-gift-companies/
Together we can make change happen!
Christina Hildebrand
A Voice for Choice Advocacy, Inc.
[email protected]
