National Committee Reports:

Building the anti-Trump movement

Dear John,

The discussion continues!

In October we launched a new feature on the website, a political question up for discussion. The first question on the ecological crisis prompted several thoughtful submissions.  The Website Collective posted a new discussion question on the website:

What does working class leadership—what Lenin called “the proletarian imprint”—look like in the struggle against the Trump regime and the neo-Confederate right more broadly? Based on your experience, how can CPUSA make the most effective contribution to the struggle for the political independence and leadership of the working class?


The deadline for submissions is January 2. Submissions may take the form of articles and video or audio recordings. Please review the articles below for background readings. We want to hear from you!


National Committee Reports

The National Committee (NC) met on November 13. Here are three reports presented to the NC.

 Joe Sims’ keynote to the National Committee

 Dee Miles, Chair of the Convention Committee, gave a report on the 31st National Convention held this year.

 Henry Lowendorf, chair of the Peace and Solidarity Collective, reported on the coup in Bolivia.

Hope to hear from you soon!

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