John: With the Senate voting tomorrow on legislation to codify Roe v. Wade into law, I'm still counting on another 17 people to speak out before midnight tonight, and I noticed you haven't responded yet.
With the Supreme Court planning to strike down Roe v. Wade this summer, the future of nationwide reproductive freedom comes down to Congress. This isn't just about access to reproductive health care — it's about the most basic right for a person to make their own decision about their own body.
That's why we need to fight like hell to make sure the Senate votes tomorrow to protect access to legal, safe abortion — no matter what state you live in. But we need every voice in this fight, and yours is still missing. Please, before our poll expires at midnight, let me know now:
Should the Senate codify Roe v. Wade
into federal law?
There has truly never been a more important moment to take a stand in this fight. Thank you so much for speaking out.
Kirsten Gillibrand