
When President Trump was elected, I decided Democrats needed a few more allies in Congress. So I started Serve America with a two-fold mission:

  • To flip the House because that’s the best way to put a check on Trump
  • To change Congress by electing better leaders to office

We tried to find people who would make a difference, and Democrats flipped 40 seats to take back the House in 2018. Almost half of them were Serve America candidates.

So the question is: “Are these people making a difference?”

Well, every single one of the national security leaders that signed the Washington Post op-ed that was the tipping point for Democratic leadership to start the impeachment inquiry was a Serve America-supported candidate.

The answer is crystal clear: These leaders are making a difference. So I’m grateful for all those who came out on Wednesday night, and I’m grateful to all of you for the work you’ve done to support Serve America in 2018 and in 2020.

Ultimately, for Democrats, 2020 is an opportunity to take back foreign policy for our party. It’s our opportunity to lead on issues that Trump and the Republicans have failed on the most. And it’s an opportunity to show, as a party, what leadership is all about.

Thank you for all you’ve done and will continue to do to get incredible leaders elected.
