Happy Primary Day, Nebraska and West Virginia!
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Happy Tuesday! Join us TODAY at Noon MDT for Freedom Hacks with Matt [[link removed]]and special guest Dustin Zvonek, the at-large city council member from Aurora, CO, to talk about the high rates of crime, homelessness, and drugs plaguing our communities.
Get your ULTRA MAGA shirt here! [[link removed]] Primary Day in Nebraska and West Virginia
Only 122,679 ballots [[link removed]] have been returned in Nebraska so far. Will the Trump favorite win [[link removed]] in West Virginia? There are a few races to watch [[link removed]] in both states.
Fine v. Dangerous
After this weekend's abortion protests at churches and judges' homes, here is a helpful reminder of the RULES. [[link removed]]
Stolen Election?
The new White House press secretary, Karine Jean-Pierre, has previously claimed the 2016 presidential election was “stolen” from Hillary Clinton [[link removed]]. I guess she'd better clean up her tweets!
Abortion Protests
Pro-abortion criminals continue to perpetrate hate crimes across Colorado, with the latest example occurring at St. John XXIII Catholic Church in Fort Collins, Colorado. [[link removed]]This nonsense is happening because Pelosi is encouraging their righteous anger [[link removed]].
The COVID Long Con
The Biden administration is sounding the alarms over an expected 100 million new Covid “cases” ahead of the 2022 midterm elections [[link removed]]. The White House’s dire projection is not based on any new data, however, but on a ‘model.’ In other news, the FDA says we should treat COVID like the flu. [[link removed]]
Just Say No
Republican lawmakers want the Biden administration to better explain why American children under 5 need COVID-19 vaccines when the data show a high survival rate for kids, estimated at 99.995 percent in one study [[link removed]]. Spoiler Alert: They don't need the vaccine.
2000 Mules
If you wanted to see 2000 Mules [[link removed]] but couldn't get to the theater, you can order a copy. [[link removed]] Have you seen the documentary yet? Tell us what you think [[link removed]].
Your Funny for the Day! Before and After pictures [[link removed]] of a mama bear!In the words of Biden, not your father's party. [[link removed]]
**New Updates to CaucusRoom**
We’re excited to announce another round of upgrades to the website. Here are some of the Product Release notes. [[link removed]]
State Primaries in May May 10th: Nebraska [[link removed]]and West Virginia [[link removed]]May 17th: Pennsylvania [[link removed]], North Carolina [[link removed]], Kentucky [[link removed]], Oregon, [[link removed]] and Idaho [[link removed]]May 24th: Georgia [[link removed]], Alabama [[link removed]], and Arkansas [[link removed]]
Poll Watchers Ensure a Safe and Secure Election! [[link removed]]
[[link removed]]
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