“Elections matter." That's what Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson said after news broke of the Supreme Court’s draft opinion on abortion rights.

Indeed, the same Trump forces that are trying to strip us of our reproductive rights are also attacking our democracy. Just like they underhandedly took over the Supreme Court, they are spending millions to take control of Secretary of State positions that will oversee the 2024 election in key battleground states like Michigan.

We need pro-voter, pro-democracy people running elections. Can you join thousands of PCCC members across the country who are donating to the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State and our work electing pro-democracy candidates?

Rachel Maddow first sounded the alarm on how this could be so catastrophic. As the election overseers at the state level, Secretaries of State have a unique role in the future of democracy. If Trump-backed, election-denying Republican candidates win these seats, Trump may be named the winner in these battleground states, no matter what the votes actually are.

Trump packed the court with anti-choice justices the first time he was in office. Now, between gerrymandering, voter suppression, and campaign finance tactics, which have only gotten worse due to SCOTUS decisions, Republicans have all the power to wage a full-fledged attack. If Roe falls, The Guardian reports that “such an outcome could give Trump a ready-made applause line at campaign rallies for a White House bid in 2024.”

Elections matter. We can’t create a path forward for Trump or any of his election-denying cronies. Now, more than ever, we need pro-voter, pro-democracy Democratic Secretaries of State to preside over the 2022 and 2024 elections.

Join thousands of PCCC members across the country who are donating to the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State and our work to protect our democracy.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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