Fellow conservative,
I'll cut straight to the chase...
Crooked Hillary and the Democratic National Committee are trying to hide their role in the Russia collusion hoax, and I need your help to stop them
from escaping justice.
If you haven't heard the news, the Federal Elections Commission recently fined Hillary's 2016 campaign and the DNC $113,000 for covering up payments
made through their law firm to generate the infamous Steele dossier.
That's right - the same Steele dossier that the Left used to peddle their fake Russia collusion narrative against President Trump!
Hillary and the DNC thought they could simply make this all go away by agreeing to pay these fines with the FEC...
But now, with the Department of Justice pursuing a criminal case against DNC-linked lawyer Michael Sussman, Hillary and her Leftist
co-conspirators are scared stiff the lid might be blown off their illegal dirty tricks for the world to see.
That's why I'm asking you to
make an emergency gift to the Coolidge Reagan Foundation today to ensure we expose Crooked Hillary and her Leftist friends in court for their role in
the Trump-Russia hoax.
You and I must guarantee Crooked Hillary and her Leftist conspirators won't get away with their attempts at covering their tracks in their slander of
President Trump.
Your gift today makes it clear the American public stands for law and order. That the same rules that apply to you and me also apply to Leftist elites
like Hillary Clinton. That Leftist politicians and their friends don't get to simply sweep their crimes under the rug.
My name is Dan Backer, and I'm the Counsel and President of the Coolidge Reagan Foundation.
We've defended free speech from the deep state - standing up for President Trump in court and for his family at the FEC, while holding hypocritical
politicians like Hillary Clinton and AOC accountable when they break the rules.
We're NOT a legal defense organization...we're YOUR legal OFFENSE team!
I'm tired of watching Leftists play fast-and-loose with the law and getting away with their dirty tricks. I'm tired of watching the law only apply to
one side of the political aisle.
And I'm reaching out to you
today because I think you're a patriot who's sick and tired of this hypocritical double standard too - and wants to do something about
You see, the only reason Crooked Hillary and the DNC were finally held accountable by the FEC is because the Coolidge Reagan Foundation stepped up to
file the complaint against them in 2018.
And with the help of patriots like you, we hammered down on the violations that came back to haunt Hillary Clinton.
Through our crack research team, we uncovered how both Hillary's campaign and the DNC paid their law firm for so-called "legal services" while those
funds were really meant for "opposition research" against Trump - two entirely different purposes and a violation of campaign finance laws.
But even though Crooked Hillary and the DNC agreed to not contest these accusations with the FEC by paying their fines, they're trying to spin a
different story elsewhere with one of their co-conspirators facing a criminal trial!
In essence, Hillary and the Leftist cabal that pushed the Russia fake news are attempting to claim "attorney-client privilege" in the Michael Sussman
Which means they're doing their best to cover their tracks in the Russia Hoax by attempting to conceal their communications and avoid testifying in
You and I can't let them get
away with it - will you help me stop Crooked Hillary and her Leftist co-conspirators by making an EMERGENCY gift of $25, $50 or more to the Coolidge
Reagan Foundation today?
Like I mentioned, it was only because of patriots like you that the Coolidge Reagan Foundation was able to hold the corrupt Clinton Machine
accountable for the FIRST TIME in history.
And we did it all on a shoestring budget.
But now, with Crooked Hillary and the entire Leftist machine in the swamp doing their best to escape justice, we're facing an uphill battle to hold
them accountable again.
And, I have to tell you - this vital work to stop Leftist corruption isn't cheap...
After all, the Left is very good at hiding their illegal schemes from the light of day.
Exposing their crimes takes thousands of hours of research. Meaning I need the resources to hire the best analysts and researchers
available - and as many as I can!
That's not even to mention the fact that it costs at least $25,000 to put together the kind of serious, winning complaints we deliver time and
That's why if you care at all about upholding the rule of law, ensuring the elites must play by the same rules that "little guys" like you and me
have to, and holding Hillary and the Left accountable for their corruption, I need you to take critical action today.
So please, make your
emergency tax-deductible gift of $25, $50 or more to the Coolidge Reagan Foundation to ensure we expose Crooked Hillary and her Leftist friends in
court for their role in the Trump-Russia hoax.
When the government fails to act to hold corrupt politicians accountable, it's up to you and me to force them to take action.
We've beaten the Clinton Machine before, and with your help today, we'll beat them again.
Can you let me know if you're with us in this fight?
Dan Backer
Counsel & President
The Coolidge Reagan Foundation
P.S. For decades, Hillary Clinton has been a self-serving, corrupt politician desperate for power.
She was never held legally accountable for Benghazi, for flouting laws on secrecy and transparency or for any of the Clinton scandals in the 1990s.
That is, until the Coolidge Reagan Foundation caught her and the DNC in campaign finance violations.
But now, I need your help to make sure Crooked Hillary and the Leftist co-conspirators don't escape justice for their role in the Russia collusion
fake news.
That's why I'm asking you to
make an emergency gift of $25, $50 or more to the Coolidge Reagan Foundation to ensure we expose Crooked Hillary and her Leftist friends in court for
their role in the Trump-Russia hoax.