Screw that. We won’t let it happen.
Mitch McConnell just told the press a national abortion ban is “possible” now that the Supreme Court is poised to strike down Roe.
If we lose the Senate to the GOP, we could see abortion banned in all 50 states.
Stopping this could all come down to Pennsylvania.
John, chip in $5 or more now to our people-powered campaign if you can. John Fetterman needs your help to flip PA’s Senate seat and shut down the GOP’s radical anti-choice agenda.
Rush $5 »
You know what’s really *extra* disgusting about this?
The NRSC is advising GOP candidates to downplay the possibility of a national abortion ban ahead of the midterms. They know how extreme it is — they just don’t care.
They don’t care that a majority of Americans support Roe. They don’t care that access to safe abortion saves lives. They don’t care that parenthood should always be a choice.
They don’t care that the right to choose what happens to your body + your future is a sacred, fundamental, HUMAN right.
John, make no mistake. Republicans are on a radical mission here — and they’re dumping tens of millions of dollars into our race in Pennsylvania because they know this seat is critical to retaking their majority + outlawing abortion nationwide.
Screw that. Send John Fetterman to the Senate, and he’ll be the 51st vote we need to scrap the filibuster + codify Roe into law.
But if we’re going to defeat the GOP’s extremism and their super PACs, and achieve the 51 Democratic votes we need to protect the right to an abortion, we have to rise to the moment:
John, make a donation of any amount today to help us win this race, flip this seat, and protect the right to an abortion.
Thank you,
Team Fetterman HQ