
When big corporations invest heavily in politicians, you can bet they’re getting something in return – no matter the cost.

Last week’s devastating news about Roe v. Wade shows that the cost is your reproductive rights.

At HAZMAT America, we’re calling out the TOXIC CORPORATIONS that are funneling cash into Congress and the Supreme Court and selling out women’s health and reproductive rights. Chip in now and we’ll call out corporate influence in the critical upcoming midterm elections.

The anti-Roe agenda is an anti-democracy agenda, and it’s being funded by some of the biggest corporations in America.

The Senators who confirmed Trump’s extremist Supreme Court nominees are cashing in checks from corporate America every day, and so are the Republican state legislators across the country who are already gearing up to outlaw abortion, Plan B, IUDs, and all other contraceptives. 

This is the price corporate America is willing to pay. They’re happy to sell out women’s reproductive rights in return for pro-business economic policies. As long as they get a tax cut, they’re happy to support politicians who will ban all abortion, without exceptions.

According to a new report by Popular Information, some of the biggest corporations like Amazon, AT&T, and Walmart have spent at least $15 million since 2016 to elect extremist anti-choice politicians – contradicting their own public declarations of support for women’s health and reproductive rights.

When big corporations show us what they really care about, we should believe them. 

Make no mistake, this is exactly what a rigged system looks like: Corporations spending massive amounts of cash to elect politicians who oppose overwhelmingly popular rights – all in return for a tax cut payoff.

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: Corporate cash is toxic for our democracy. It’s supporting politicians who undermine our basic rights – and there’s no better example than the continued assault on reproductive rights and women’s health.

Help us continue to call out corporate cash so we can win a democracy that supports women’s rights and equal rights for everyone – not tax cut payoffs for big corporations, wealthy donors, and the 1%.

Thank you for all you do,

-HAZMAT America 



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