If Republicans take back the House, they have a plan to raise taxes on half of Americans and sunset Social Security and Medicare.
But don’t take our word for it: It’s all written down in an 11-Point Plan released by Rick Scott and proudly endorsed by a growing number of Republicans. The Tax Policy Center found that their plan would raise taxes on 100 million working class Americans by an average of $1,500.
At a time when an increasing number of American families are concerned with rising costs, we cannot allow this plan to go forward.
At a time when Americans are increasingly concerned with rising costs, 193 Congressional Republicans voted against lowering the cost of insulin. During a global pandemic, Republicans continued their assault on the ACA and sought to undermine the scientific community’s public health guidance. Even on traditionally nonpartisan issues – like providing healthcare to veterans exposed to burn pits – 174 Congressional Republicans sided with partisan politics.
But they want to raise middle class taxes. Go figure.
So here’s the good news: We know what’s at stake in this election. Your help, your support, and your voice are more important than ever.
Thanks for standing with us,