The deadline to apply for a Mail-In Ballot is tomorrow.
Q: What’s the fastest + easiest way to apply to vote for *yours truly* in the Democratic primary on Tuesday, May 17?
A: Voting by mail!
John, the deadline to apply for a Mail-In Ballot in PA is tomorrow. Have you applied for your Mail-In Ballot yet?
Apply For Mail-In Ballot
I *really* can’t urge you enough. Voting by mail BEFORE Election Day just makes sense.
Don’t forget that a vote in Tioga County counts as much as a vote in Pittsburgh or Philly. 🔴🔵
Don’t forget your civic duty. 🇺🇸
Don’t forget to apply for your Mail-In ballot by TOMORROW!!! 👇👇
Apply For Mail-In Ballot
John Fetterman
Lieutenant Governor of PA