Mondays of Meaning

May 9th, 2022 | Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
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This week's edition will discuss addressing problems, Jordan Peterson's lecture at Franciscan University of Steubenville and self-esteem.

Don’t Avoid Small Problems That You Know Are There.

It's worthwhile to go and find the dragon in its lair instead of waiting for it to come and eat you. Especially when you also add the idea that if you find the dragon in its lair, you might find it when it's a baby instead of a full-fledged monster that is definitely going to take you down. Don't avoid small problems that you know are there. Face them because they'll grow into big problems all by themselves.

Imagine the tax department sends you a notification. You owe them $300. Well, you know, that's annoying. Maybe you don't even want to open the letter. Or perhaps you just put it on the shelf. But that damn thing doesn't just sit there like a piece of paper on the shelf. You ignore that for five or six years; it will become attached to all sorts of horrible things. And if you ignore it long enough, it will turn into something completely unlike the little piece of paper that it's written on. And many, many problems in life are like that.

You'll see that they pop their ugly little head out. You might want to turn away, and you might not want to think about it, which is the easiest way of turning away; you don't attend to it. As a long term strategy — it's dismal.

Monday Reflections

“When the aristocracy catches a cold, as it is said, the working class dies of pneumonia.” (Share this on Twitter)

“We require routine and tradition. That’s order. Order can become excessive, and that’s not good, but chaos can swamp us, so we drown—and that is also not good. We need to stay on the straight and narrow path.”
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“People create their worlds with the tools they have directly at hand. Faulty tools produce faulty results. Repeated use of the same faulty tools produces the same faulty results.” (Share this on Twitter)

Guest Lecture

Jordan Peterson Lecture at Franciscan University of Steubenville

This episode was recorded on April 4, 2022.

In this speech at the Franciscan University of Steubenville, Jordan shared recent thoughts on ethics, scripture, and the problem of perception. He asked the audience to reflect on how we remember great stories (but seem to instantly forget bad ones), why Western culture ended up being a book (instead of—say—a sickle), and whether the West truly is “phallogocentric”.

All of this, Jordan says, tied to a broader possibility—perhaps his “most radical claim"—that, as we navigate the value structures we call reality, a lot of so-called “navigational” problems are really veiled ethical ones."

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How To Be Optimistic | Jordan B. Peterson
Dr. Peterson:

"God only knows what the limit is of you. And you find out by pushing yourself against the world."

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Dr. Jordan B. Peterson
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