
Dear John,


This year, workers are fighting back and winning. Working people, especially essential workers in low-wage jobs, recognize the value of their work and demand their voices be heard.


We need your help to carry the momentum and make sure the movement we ignited earlier this year will continue. We still need to raise $17,421 to reach our $25,000 fundraising goal by May 16th to have more pioneering and ground-breaking campaigns that make a real difference for workers everywhere!

We launched our Always Essential campaign at the beginning of the pandemic, and already we’ve experienced incredible progress and wins to transform the lives of essential workers permanently. Our landmark victories so far include:

  • Adoption of a first-of-its-kind essential worker taskforce composed entirely of frontline workers in Harris County, the most populated county in Texas.
  • Leading a campaign to pass the NY HERO Act into law, permanently protecting essential workers by mandating significant new health and safety protections and allowing workers to create their own committees to address any workplace health and safety issue, not just issues concerning COVID-19.
  • Launching the 5 for Farmworkers in Fires campaign in Sonoma County to demand hazard pay, new safety protocols, disaster insurance, and other protections for the farmworkers who produce the county’s famous wine.  

Help us continue our winning streak. Join us with a gift of $5 or more today and help permanently transform the lives of essential workers everywhere.


In Solidarity,



Executive Director

Jobs With Justice