Sometimes I can’t believe how far corporations will go to protect their own vested interests.
Since the first avian influenza outbreak this year, factory farms across the country have culled—deliberately killed—their own hens by the millions. That’s right: from Delaware to Wisconsin to Kentucky, egg factories are trying to slow the spread of the virus by slaughtering entire flocks using a brutal method known as “ventilation shutdown plus” (VSD+)—which means closing the vents and letting the high temperatures cook the birds to death.
Just over a week ago, one of the biggest egg factories in the world roasted 5.3 chickens alive—and then fired most of its workers. Because it was convenient.
It’s simple: Factory farms would rather broil living beings than take a financial hit
I'm reaching out because, together, I know we can transform our food system from the bottom up. Right now, while this outbreak is sadly still ongoing, we have the chance to call on the US Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Inspection Service (USDA-APHIS) to reverse its endorsement of VSD+. Will you join me in telling USDA-APHIS to condemn the cruel practice of live-roasting chickens?
Thank you for taking this action with me. The animals are so lucky to have you on their team.
For the animals,

Vicky Bond
President |
P.S. Whether chickens are being boiled alive at processing plants or hens are being roasted alive on factory farms, these corporations will do anything to protect their own interests—even if it means resorting to absolutely excruciating methods of slaughter. Let’s make sure USDA-APHIS withdraws its support of VSD+, an absolutely brutal way of killing animals. Are you in?