Mises Institute Graduate School
Taking Applications for
Fifth Graduate Cohort as
Inaugural Cohort Eyes Commencement

As conditions are today, nothing can be more important to every intelligent man than economics. His own fate and that of his progeny is at stake.

—Ludwig von Mises

Inspired in part by Ludwig von Mises's unsuccessful plan to create a Liberal Institute at the University of Chicago in 1949, the Mises Institute Graduate School welcomed its first cohort in August 2020. It has since admitted three more cohorts and is now taking applications for fall 2022.

The Mises Institute Graduate School is seeking applicants with specific plans to put their learning to productive use. After graduation, students will be well-suited for careers beyond academia, such as public policy analysis, entrepreneurship, finance, and business. The program can also serve as a steppingstone to a career in public interest law.

Although the program requires a fifteen–eighteen hour weekly commitment, asynchronous online delivery of the coursework allows considerable flexibility for students with work and familial obligations. Because the vast majority of the tuition, books, and other program expenses are funded by the Institute’s private donors, most students can pay as they go and graduate debt-free. The low tuition price is not, however, the primary reason students opt for the Institute’s degree program. It is the uniqueness of an economics program that is 100% Austrian, taught exclusively by the nation’s foremost Austrian school professors and scholars.

View Graduate Catalog
Joseph Becker, Provost, has been the administrative head of the Institute’s graduate school since its inception. Prior to assuming his current post, Becker completed his graduate degree in economics under the tutelage of Drs. Murray N. Rothbard and Hans-Hermann Hoppe at the University of Nevada Las Vegas. After receiving his Juris Doctorate, he practiced public interest, constitutional law in state and federal courts. The program’s Academic Vice President, Dr. Joseph T. Salerno, has been Academic Vice President of the Mises Institute since 2010. The program faculty are all highly qualified and carefully selected, having lectured or taught at Mises Institute scholarly conferences and published in its journals, books, and online publications.

Already the program is producing some of the strongest students in the Austrian tradition. Last July, one such student won the Douglas E. French Prize for finishing first in a grueling written and oral exam competition. Mises Institute Graduate Program students authored six of the papers presented at the 2022 Austrian Economics Research Conference, covering topics such as inflation, finance, and entrepreneurship, and students are currently being published in economic journals, on the Mises Wire, and in other popular outlets.

Required courses include microeconomics, macroeconomics, monetary economics, quantitative economics, and economic history. There is also an optional week long in-residence seminar. To graduate with a master's degree in Austrian Economics, each student is also required to write and defend a thesis suitable for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.

Although a Mises Institute Graduate School of economics was a long-held vision of both Drs. Ludwig von Mises and Murray N. Rothbard, until 2019 the Mises Institute focused on supporting students of other universities. Now it is molding the next generation of Austrian economists directly.

As the Institute’s first cohort prepares for commencement this July in Auburn, Alabama, the Institute looks forward to welcoming its newest cohort.
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