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Minnesota Family Council


Dear John,

We're excited to participate in #GivingTuesday, the world's largest giving movement, from now through Tuesday, December 3. As you know, Minnesota Family Institute is fighting for life, family, and religious freedom in Minnesota. Your tax-exempt gift to Minnesota Family Institute anytime between now and #GivingTuesday is a crucial contribution to a thriving Minnesota where religious freedom flourishes, where life is cherished at every stage, and where God's design for marriage and family is honored!

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Before you give, would you like to know more about the work we're doing here in Minnesota? I encourage you to watch this video to learn more about our efforts to bless the people of this state.


Now that you know that we're working on, will you contribute to our mission? We are so glad to partner with thousands of Minnesotans, with a laser focus on our mission for making this state a better place for everyone. God bless you, and Happy Thanksgiving!

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THIS WEEK, you've got an opportunity to GIVE toward a thriving Minnesota where religious freedoms flourish, life is cherished at all stages, and marriage and family is honored! Click below to give:

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Will you help us spread the word about tomorrow's GIVING opportunity?

Encourage your friends and family to GIVE tomorrow by posting our #GivingTuesdayMFI webpage URL on your social media accounts: mfc.org/giving-tuesday-mfi!

Thank you in advance for helping us to advance life, family, and religious freedom in Minnesota!


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P.S. Don't forget that you can support Minnesota Family Institute for free with online shopping! Go to smile.amazon.com/ch/41-1439560 and Amazon will donate to Minnesota Family Institute! This icon Screen Shot 2017-11-27 at 1.40.27 PM.png should appear in the upper left corner of your Amazon shopping webpage.AmazonSmile_print_no_tagline.jpg


Minnesota Family Council/Minnesota Family Institute
2855 Anthony Lane South
Minneapolis, MN, 55418-3265
Phone 612.789.8811 / FAX 612.789.8858

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www.mfc.org | Sign up for alerts


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