Friend, this is an important week:

Ballots for California’s June 7 primary election begin getting mailed out today. You may receive yours as early as this week!

Thanks to our hard work last year, vote by mail is now permanent in California. That means every eligible California voter will now automatically receive a ballot in the mail in every election. 

This is great news because the results of this year’s election will determine whether we can make the necessary climate investments and policy changes in time before the 2030 deadline scientific experts have given us.

We have one primary goal for this upcoming election: Elect a true majority of environmental leaders in the California State Legislature who will consistently introduce and support climate solutions. We need 62 votes to make this happen: 21 votes in the Senate and 41 votes in the Assembly.

And because of redistricting and a wave of retirements, we have a real shot to make this happen.

So friend, before you vote in this primary election, identify the climate champions on your ballot by looking up our endorsements »

As soon as you get your ballot, fill it out and either mail it back or drop it in an official Ballot Drop-Off

Don’t wait until the last minute to submit your ballot! Here’s everything you need to know about voting early: 


1. Check Your Ballot Status »

2. Look Up Who EnviroVoters Endorsed »

3. Make a plan to vote today!

Thanks for being an Environmental Voter!

- California Environmental Voters

P.S. Not sure if you’re registered to vote? Check your registration status here »


Are you not a California resident? Confirm your address here so we make sure to send you emails tailored for you!


California Environmental Voters (formerly CLCV)
350 Frank H. Ogawa Plaza #1100 | Oakland, California 94612
+15102710900 | [email protected]

California Environmental Voters (EnviroVoters), formerly California League of Conservation Voters, exists to build the political power to solve the climate crisis, advance justice, and create a roadmap for global action. To protect our air, land, water, and future, we organize voters, elect and train candidates, and hold lawmakers accountable for bold policy change. Our vision is to solve the climate crisis, build resilient, connected, healthy communities, and create a democracy and economy that is just and sustainable for all.

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