Good morning,
Here's the AIA weekly update for May 9, 2022...
🗒️ Slavery Reparations at Georgetown divides descendants
The Jesuit-run Georgetown University has run into legal problems and a public relations nightmare as it tries to negotiate an agreement with descendants of slaves that the university owned and later sold in the early...
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🗒️ The end of remote learning leads to slightly-improved test scores
Having students sit at home to attempt remote learning has been proven to be an abject failure in U.S. education policy, as panicky politicians and overly-cautious public health officials did not look at the effects...
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🗒️ Biden’s bureaucrats allegedly stifling charter school applications
The presidency of Joe Biden has been a tumultuous, turmoil and chaos-filled term according to recent polls, but recent allegations that the Department of Education is hampering charter school funding further cements the perception of...
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🗒️ Liberal colleges find alumni want free speech
There is a donor-led rebellion against progressive and left-wing indoctrination on college campuses, and it is spurred by alumni dedicated to defending free speech at their alma mater. According to the Wall Street Journal, liberal...
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Have a great week!
-- The Accuracy in Academia team
Accuracy in Academia PO Box 5647 Derwood, MD 20855-0647 United States |