Instead, he’s using the presidency to attack those who voted against him
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We hope you’ve been watching Tucker Carlson Tonight to stay up to speed on the latest in news, politics, and current events.
In case you missed it, there was a great segment the other night—check out the clip below!
Under Dem leadership, violence is already beginning
From Tucker’s monologue:
“Barely fifteen months into his first term as president, Joe Biden has crashed the stock market, provoked a food shortage, opened our borders to million of illegal aliens, presided over historic rises in murder, inflation, and drug ODs, as well as a correspomding plunge in life expectancy. And then, because all of that wasn’t punitive enough for a country as ‘racist’ as ours, he dragged the United States into an entirely pointless war with a nuclear armed power, on behalf of a corrupt foreign government that once bribed his drug-addicted son. Joe Biden did all of that.”
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