

Here in AZ-01, we have a diverse population that’s quite distinct, relative to the rest of the country: 25% of the population is Indigenous. 

Indigenous People face many challenges with roots trailing all the way back to the European colonization of North America and in the many subsequent injustices they’ve experienced. They face more social, economic, and political barriers to a decent life than any other group of people in our society. 

For many of them, Thanksgiving is an insensitive celebration of the beginning of their lengthy oppression. A friend and leader of a local inter-tribal coalition gave me this profound statement on the holiday: 

“Thanksgiving is a hollow man's stuffing, not the turkey's. The patriarch is forever hollow until the centuries worth of grave injustices sustained by Indigenous Peoples of this continent are pulled forward, placed on that center table setting, reconciled, and made right.” 

I will use my voice in and outside of Congress to address issues facing Indigenous people such as homelessness, historic trauma, police violence, domestic abuse, and racism and fight for the ability of Indigenous communities to manage and protect the lands that were stolen from them. 

Will you stand with us in putting First People first by chipping in $5, $10, $15, or whatever you can today?

While we can’t undo the past injustices, together we can commit to not cause more harm and provide the equality and resources Indigenous People deserve. We’re incredibly thankful for all your support, and we hope we can count on you in this critical fight.

With all my thanks,


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Paid for by Eva Putzova for Congress

Eva Putzova for Congress
PO Box 677
Flagstaff, AZ 86002
United States
