Today, on Mother’s Day, my heart and thoughts go out to human parents celebrating motherhood—and to animal parents, especially those on factory farms.
When I was a working veterinarian, I saw how instinctive it is for mother animals to nurture and care for their young. Given the chance, animal parents will show their babies love from the moment they’re born (or hatched). Cows will nurse and nuzzle their calves, mother pigs will feed and protect their piglets, hens will provide warmth and comfort for their chicks.
Mother pigs nuzzle their piglets, and have been known to sing to them while nursing---instincts taken away from them in factory farms.
Sadly, factory farms deny animals the chance to mother their young. As an aspiring veterinarian, I cared for animals at a family-owned dairy. Even though this would turn out to be one of the “best” farms I’ve ever been on, I was shocked by some of the things I saw.
Watching animals separated from their mothers at birth was devastating. Just as human babies recognize the sound of their mother’s voice, baby animals get used to the sounds their mother makes—as do chicks before they hatch. At birth, these innocent beings long to be cared for by the familiar parent they’ve come to sense and trust. Instead, newborn animals are abruptly torn away from their mothers.
Mother hens provide safety and security to their chicks, who gather under her wings each night.
To many, these animals are out of sight and out of mind. But I know you see them. Every day, thanks to your support, we’re taking steps to create a more compassionate world—a future in which animals will experience the kindness and respect they deserve.
Together, we’re working to free mother hens and mama pigs from the restrictive cages that confine them. As we continue to secure animal welfare commitments across the global food system, we dream of a world where all animals will be able to nurture their young with the love, compassion, and care that comes so naturally to them.
This Mother’s Day, I thank you for partnering with us to change the lives of countless mothers and babies worldwide. Your compassion is life changing.
For the animals,

Vicky Bond
President |
P.S. Together, we can make a difference for mother and baby animals. If you’re in a position to give, your donation today can help us create a kinder future for animals.
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