Good morning and welcome to our Weekend Update.
I must begin by wishing a Happy Mother's Day to the two best mom's
I know… my mom, Maeve, and my wife, Shelley. I also want to extend a
Happy Mother's Day to all the moms out there. To commemorate Mother’s
Day, I want to share a quote from President Ronald Reagan, “From
my mother I learned the value of prayer, how to have dreams and
believe I could make them come true.”

With the disaster at the border increasing and the Biden
administration’s insistence on getting rid of Title 42, the situation
will only worsen. One would think the Department of Homeland Security
(DHS) would be focused on this significant national security issue,
focusing on protecting our homeland and securing our southern border.
Instead, however, Biden’s DHS is busy creating an Orwellian
“Disinformation Board.” One can only assume this is their answer to
the disaster at the border by taking away the American public’s
ability to question the disasters his far-left policies create.

We cannot allow the Biden administration to implement this
policy. I joined 170 of my Republican colleagues in demanding answers
from the DHS about this extremely concerning entity and who they have
chosen to lead it. Click
here to read.
This week’s jobs report is being spun in the media as good
news, but a deeper dive reveals nothing but trouble.
Biden’s economic failures are real. Ask any Pennsylvania family
paying nearly $5-a-gallon for gas or dramatically increased costs for
groceries, especially as their wages shrink. We must stop the
excessive government spending and support, not assault, domestic
energy producers. And over a short time period, we can and must
fulfill the energy needs of Europe. The Fed must do its job better as
well. We must increase the workforce and buy American... this will
flatten inflation. The policies of the Biden administration and
Congressional Democrats are making it worse. These policies are
literally stealing income and savings from hard-working families.
Around the District:
On Monday, I attended an event at the Schuylkill Technology Center
in Frackville by their Director Shannon Brennan. It was the Skills
Signing USA Day, where students finishing school signed commitments to
go into the workforce. I am a big proponent of our trade schools
teaching our children that there are alternatives to a four-year
college degree. Often, the demand and salaries for skilled labor are
higher for those entering the workforce than those students with a
four-year degree.

Later, I was invited by our good friend Wayne Herring to visit
Saint Joseph’s Center for Special Learning located in Pottsville.
Accompanied by State Senator Dave Argall, we took a tour of their
school and saw the very important specialized education they provide
to their students.

That evening, we headed to Montrose in Susquehanna County to visit
their VFW, where our long-time friend Donna Cosmello joined us for a
meet-and-greet with many other great friends from the area.

On Tuesday, I joined Darlene Robbins from the Northeast
Manufacturers and Employers Association to attend their annual
business excellence awards dinner in Schuylkill County. So many great
businesses from our District were recognized at the dinner. It was a
fun event, and I appreciated the opportunity to attend.

On Wednesday, I participated in a #NationalSmallBusinessWeek
forum with hundreds of small business owners organized by Biz2Credit.
Small businesses are the backbone of our economy & I always
appreciate the opportunity to discuss their challenges and how we can
help them succeed.

Later on Wednesday evening, we attended the Lebanon County
Republican Committee Spring Dinner with our great Republican team and
countless other state and local elected officials.

I participated in the World Affairs Council of Greater Reading‘s
luncheon on Thursday. Joined by fellow Congresswoman Chrissy Houlihan,
we discussed the serious ongoing foreign affair matters our nation is
facing. In the face of continued Russian aggression, the Biden
Administration and Congress must lean in and serve as a leader on the
world stage.

That afternoon, we headed to Hamburg, where we took a tour of the
Niagara bottling facility, where they employ hundreds of people and
continue to grow rapidly. Great company and a great visit.

On Thursday evening, I hosted an event for State Senator Chris
Gebhard at Cigars International in Berks County. While only serving
for a year, Senator Gebhard has fast become an influential voice in
the community and Harrisburg. We have many excellent state and local
elected officials, and I was pleased to support Chris’s re-election

We finished up Thursday night, serving as a special guest at an
event supporting Jim Bognet‘s campaign in the 8th congressional
district primary. Jim is a great candidate, and he has my endorsement
and support.

On Friday, we were in Schuylkill County for the Schuylkill County
Chamber’s Annual Awards Luncheon with Chamber President Bob Carl. The
event recognized the best business leaders and community partners in
the county.

That afternoon, we attended a groundbreaking ceremony at Lebanon
Valley College for their new nursing and interdisciplinary center. We
were able to help secure $1 million in federal funding through
community project funding. Pictured below with outgoing Board Chair
Elyse Rogers, LVC President James MacLaren, State Rep. Russ Diamond,
and Senator Chris Gebhard. This is a project where every student who
completes their education has a guaranteed job after graduation.

Yesterday, we attended the AG Republican Kentucky Derby Party at
the Open Gate Ranch. Exciting race and a great event. Special thanks
to Ag GOP Chair Mike Firestine and our hosts, Jim and Ginny Birdsall.
Pictured below with Jim Birdsall, Mike Firestine, and State House
candidate Jamie Barton.

We are just days until the Primary Election. This fall, we have
some consequential elections, and we will need everyone to push hard
to win elections for our Republican team at the federal and state
level. Our campaign has yard signs available, and a limited number of
4x8s are available. If you would like a yard sign, please email [email protected]
or call 570-915-3027.
Additionally, while we don't have an opponent in the primary, we
have done some radio advertising. Please click
here or below to hear our new radio ad.

We are so eager to take back control of the U.S. House and take the
gavel out of Speaker Nancy Pelosi's hands once and for all.
I would encourage you to do your research on each of the candidates
running statewide. Please take the time to review the candidates'
records individually. I did that, which is why I am supporting Dave
McCormick for the U.S. Senate. Dave is from Pennsylvania, a veteran, a
businessman, and is uniquely qualified to represent our Commonwealth
in the U.S. Congress. Click
here to learn more about Dave.
I watched the event in Greensburg on Friday. I heard far more boos
than applause when Dr. Oz was introduced. I have nothing but respect
for President Trump, but Pennsylvania Republicans want business
experience, NOT show business experience. We want a Pennsylvanian, not
a guy who lives in New Jersey; we want a U.S. Senator to work for us,
NOT to advance their show business career. Dave McCormick served our
nation in the U.S. Army. Meanwhile, Dr. Oz served in the Turkish army
and continues to be a registered voter in Turkey. That is not
inspiring news for Pennsylvania voters. I encourage you to vote for a
great American, Dave McCormick. Don't vote for an opportunist like Dr.
Keep up the faith and the fight,