Will you join my dad and me in showing your support for paid family leave?

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It's hard to fully understand all of the joys and the challenges of being a mother until you become one. Trust me, as a relatively new mom, I’ve learned firsthand.

My dad has spent his career fighting for Pennsylvania’s children and families. As a daughter, that always made me extremely proud. Now, as a parent myself, I have a deeper appreciation of how vital his work is to ensure that every child has the best possible start in life.

Being a mom is one of the hardest and most important jobs a person can have. That's been especially true during the COVID-19 pandemic as we’ve juggled work, childcare, homeschooling, friendship, and the responsibility of keeping our families safe.

My dad understands the intense pressures that mothers are under. That’s why he fought so hard to help deliver an expanded child tax credit, a child care credit, increased unemployment benefits for people who lost their jobs, and checks that helped pay the bills, to help moms take care of their families during these last trying years.

But one more thing that would make moms' -- and all parents' -- lives easier is paid family leave. That special time after a new child arrives is critical not just for the immediate health benefits, but in forming a healthy, lifelong family bond. That's why nearly every other developed nation on the planet but ours offers paid leave to its parents. I was fortunate enough to benefit from paid family leave policies and I strongly believe that it is a right that every mother should be able to access.

In the Senate, my dad has been a leading advocate for paid family leave for all, but some of his colleagues have failed to join him in taking action.

That's why, this Mother's Day, I'm reaching out to you.

Will you join my dad and me in showing your support for paid family leave? Please add your name so we can build the pressure we need for paid family leave to become a reality.

Thank you for your support, and happy Mother's Day to all my fellow moms,

Elyse Casey

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Bob Casey for Senate
PO Box 58746
Philadelphia, PA 19102
United States
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