Dear John,
Happy Mother’s Day!
On this day each year, I am reminded of what a JOY it is to be a mom to my three boys. I’m also reminded of why I’m so grateful to serve with Human Coalition…since 2010, over 23,354 children have been rescued from abortion. And this morning, tens of thousands of children will wake up and celebrate this special day with their moms.
These rescue efforts were made possible thanks to people like you who see the inherent worth in every human being and fight for the protection of the most innocent – the preborn child.
In honor of Mother’s Day, a generous donor is offering a new $20,000 Matching Grant to inspire more supporters to give and rescue even more precious children from abortion.
Every dollar you give by MIDNIGHT TONIGHT will effectively TRIPLE the lifesaving impact, when DOUBLED by the new matching grant and then combined with the existing $175,000 Challenge Grant. Your gift of $50 will effectively TRIPLE to make $150 of lifesaving impact. Your gift of $250 will effectively TRIPLE to make $750 of lifesaving impact.
But this opportunity ends TONIGHT – so you must give NOW to make TRIPLE the lifesaving impact!
Reaching this goal is crucial to preparing for what may be next in the fight for life: the reversal of Roe v. Wade.
After Roe, the authority on abortion will fall to each individual state, with around half the states set to enact life-affirming restrictions and the other half likely to allow the horror to continue.
Your support TODAY will scale and expand the National Rescue System for the new post-Roe environment and provide lifesaving care for moms facing unexpected pregnancies.
Around 75% of women who come to Human Coalition say they would prefer to choose life for their child if their circumstances were different. The challenges these women face won’t change if Roe is repealed. Where will they turn for help?
By giving right now, you will ensure there is a strong and ready support system in place by scaling the services of the National Rescue System and expanding it into new abortion-dense markets and states around the country.
Thanks to you, more women will receive real help and hope, and more will choose life. In their moment of fear and desperation, they won’t have to travel to a state where abortion remains legal after Roe…because YOU stood in the gap for them.
Will you give a special gift of $50, $100, or your best gift – making effectively THREE TIMES the lifesaving impact for moms and children in a post-Roe v. Wade America?
Just think…because of your generosity, more moms will experience the joy of being a mom. These women will be together with their children celebrating Mother’s Day next year and in the many years that follow. They’ll get to open handmade cards and see their children smile, like I will today… And I simply don’t want any mom to miss this!
But please don’t wait to give… Time is running out.

John,, will you help give THREE TIMES as many moms the gift of motherhood and give the gift of life to THREE TIMES as many children, before it’s too late?
Thank you for honoring moms today and rescuing their children through your support. Have a wonderful Mother’s Day!
For life,
Chelsey Youman
National Director of Public Policy
P.S. — Today is your LAST CHANCE to make TRIPLE the lifesaving impact and prepare for a post-Roe America — where ALL moms are cared for and ALL preborn children are protected from abortion! Will you give an immediate gift of $50, $100, or your best gift – before time runs out TODAY?