Help stop the return of US nukes to RAF Lakenheath - support our crowdfunder and protest this dangerous and destabilising development
Dear Friend,

I was hoping that I would never have to write this email, but unbelievably we are facing a return of US nuclear weapons to the UK.

The US Department of Defense has added the UK to a list of NATO nuclear weapons storage locations in Europe being upgraded under a multi-million-dollar infastructure programme. It is believed that US nuclear weapons will be coming to RAF Lakenheath, a base in Suffolk run by the US.

110 nuclear bombs were stored at the airbase until they were removed in 2008 following persistent popular protest by CND and the Lakenheath action group, and they must not be allowed back.

CND is leading the campaign against this extrememly dangerous and destabilising development. On Saturday 21st May we are calling on our members and supporters to assemble outside RAF Lakenheath to show that US nuclear weapons are not welcome back on UK soil.

This one action alone will cost around £5,000. We've already raised £1,000, but we still need to raise around £4,000 for the costs. Can you contribute to our crowdfunder and help protest the return of US nuclear bombs to the UK?
Yes, I will donate
We're supporting CND groups from across the country with the costs of their minibus or coach hire. We'll also be printing new banners, placards, and publicity, to help convey the urgency of the situation and to garner more attention both nationally and internationally about this dreadful development.

Your support would be enormously helpful in ensuring we can make more of an impact on the day and in the weeks and months to come. Please contribute to our crowdfunder if you can.
Yes, I will donate
The dreadful situation in Ukraine has brought the world closer to nuclear war than at any other time. The return of US nuclear weapons to Britain will escalate global tension and put us at greater risk of nuclear attack.

Please help us ensure these weapons don't return to the UK. And I hope you can join us on the day.

In peace,
Kate Hudson
General Secretary
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