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The Dan Bongino Show
November 26, 2019
Listen to Today's Podcast:
ep 1120

In this episode, I address the insane narrative the Democrats, and their media pals, are getting to push. You won’t believe where they’re going with this nonsense.
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ep 1110
Fusion GPS Founder Makes Stunning Admission

Obama Says Biden “Doesn’t Have It” For 2020

One of the more curious parts of this recent presidential race has been despite spending large chunks of time as the Democratic font-runner, Joe Biden has yet to receive one endorsement most assumed was a guarantee – Barack Obama’s. Even as Obama speaks out publicly to warn the current field against going “too far-left,” Biden is the relative moderate he could throw his support behind.


What?! CNN Guest Claims Trump Uses Mind Control, Says Supporters Part of a Cult

Just when you thought Fake News CNN’s anti-Trump coverage couldn’t be any more embarrassing for the network, host Brian Stelter interviewed an author who claims that Trump supporters are part of a “destructive cult.”


Bernie Promises To Raise Taxes On "Anyone Making More Than $29k"

Alifelong socialist, Bernie often gives us the impression we could afford the world if only we taxed "millionaires and billionaires."

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