The leaked opinion showing the Supreme Court's right-wing majority is prepared to overturn Roe v. Wade "is an invitation to all manner of challenges to deeply rooted precedents," said one critic.
"Companies that traffic in personal, geolocation, advertising, or other data could become digital crime scenes for eager prosecutors armed with subpoenas," said one expert on technology and gender.
"Everything is on the table and clearly has been," said one observer. "Marriage equality. Griswold. Loving. Don't ever listen to anyone who tells you such fears are silly or overblown."
"A Democratic Senate chose to protect the filibuster instead of abortion rights," said one Democratic strategist. "The first thing a GOP Senate will do is toss the filibuster aside to effectively ban abortion nationwide."
"Brazil will have the opportunity to decide which country it will be for the next few years, and for generations to come," said Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva. "The Brazil of democracy or authoritarianism?"
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This draft Supreme Court decision, if adopted as final, will inflict enormous, needless damage. It is an affront to women, the U.S. Constitution, and human rights.