![]() , This week, another video surfaced of Joe Biden’s new disinformation czar, Nina Jankowicz, in which she referred to the Deep State and, of course, denied its existence. It’s another example of why Nina Jankowicz is totally unfit for the job that shouldn’t even exist. Everyone knows there is a Deep State, going back to the days when FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover kept blackmail files on congressmen and administration officials. Or before that, when outgoing President Dwight Eisenhower warned the American people of the corrupting influence of the military-industrial complex. We saw the Deep State writ large in the 2020 election, when the mass media and Big Tech, acting in concert, censored the explosive story about the authentic contents of Hunter Biden’s laptop, based on 51 former intelligence agents falsely claiming the laptop had “all the hallmarks of a Russian disinformation campaign.” We could go on for pages – many books have been written about the Deep State – but one of the most important and least well-understood aspects of it is the Federal Reserve. ![]() The Federal Reserve politicizes monetary policy. Its dealings with Wall Street and foreign bank and governments are not known even to Congress. It manipulates the economy by controlling interest rates and printing money. And now, the Fed is planning to implement a Central Bank Digital Currency to monitor and control how you spend your money. This is being heralded by another dark money group from the Washington swamp, called the “Digital Dollar Project.” We're talking about the end of private financial transactions altogether . . . government goons knowing where every dollar you make and spend ends up . . . even determining what you can and cannot spend them on! This is the other side of the coin to Bill Gates' and Dr. Fauci's calls for Vaccine Passports. The authoritarians and their elite pals want nothing less than a complete digital ledger of every citizen’s entire life. You don't have to connect many dots to see it. And they expect you to be a “good little subject” by letting them see into and control every aspect of your life . . . while they hide in the shadows and make decisions that could bankrupt you behind closed doors. These elites claim being transparent by auditing the Fed will jeopardize the economy . . . which is actually an admission that the current system is flawed! After all, how stable can a system be if it is threatened by transparency? The fact is, 80% of Americans support auditing the Federal Reserve, to reveal who they’ve been manipulating the market for and why. That includes individuals from all sides of the political spectrum – from Donald Trump to Bernie Sanders. As the US economy continues to fall into another Federal Reserve-caused economic downturn, support for auditing the Fed will grow among Americans of all political ideologies. Congress can and must come together to tear down the wall of secrecy around the central bank. Auditing the Fed is the first step in changing the monetary policy that has created a debt-and-bubble-based economy, facilitated the rise of the welfare-warfare state, and burdened Americans with a hidden, constantly increasing, and regressive inflation tax. It’s a critical first step toward ending the Fed once and for all and restoring sound money rooted in the choice brought by competing currencies. That’s why we must DEMAND Congress pass H.R. 24, the Federal Reserve Transparency Act. If you haven’t already done so, make sure you sign the Campaign for Liberty Petition to your representative to Audit the Fed. ![]() Then, after you have, please dig deep and chip in with as generous a contribution as you can afford to help Campaign for Liberty recruit and mobilize more patriots to build the pressure we need to audit (and someday end) the Federal Reserve. We’re fighting a multi-pronged assault. The military-industrial complex goading us into war with a nuclear-armed Russia. The Department of Homeland Security and the mass media are waging full-scale war on the most basic truths about current events. The Federal Reserve is controlling and manipulating our economy, with plans to implement the Deep State’s digital currency scheme. Tell Congress Right Now: Cosponsor, support, and pass HR 24 to Audit the Fed! And if possible, please agree to a generous contribution of $50, $100, $200, or even $500 or $1,000. I know that’s a lot to ask for. But the battle to rein in the Fed is that critical. Please join us in shouting “DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER!” before it’s too late – before the idea of American liberty is nothing more than a distant memory. For Liberty, John McCardell Executive Director Campaign for Liberty P.S. You and I need to send the urgent message to Congress that the Federal Reserve is becoming more reckless with inflation and America cannot afford any more financial calamity. That's why I'm counting on patriots like you to sign the Audit the Fed petition today. Thanks to the support of good folks like you, we have made giant strides in our fight to Audit the Fed since 2009 and the public is still overwhelmingly on our side. And that’s why I'm asking you personally to step up with a generous financial contribution of $50, $100, $200, or even $500 or $1,000 to sink their plot before the Fed’s plans to allow for untethered inflation cause a disaster even worse than 2008. If you’d prefer to donate via PayPal, please click here. The mission
of Campaign for Liberty is to promote and defend the great American principles of individual liberty, constitutional government, sound money, free
markets, and a constitutional foreign policy, by means of education, issue advocacy, and grassroots mobilization. |
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