With Roe under siege, we've just endorsed 4 progressives Americans need in Congress.

Please donate to these bold progressive game-changers today.

Turn on images to see the endorsement image.

The Senate will vote within days to enshrine Roe into federal law, but will likely face a filibuster. That means the next Congress will be critical. We need to keep the majority and elect real fighters.

This week, we were proud to endorse 4 bold progressive champions running for Congress in open-seat districts where the incumbent Dems are retiring.

They aren’t just pro-choice, pro-worker, pro-justice. They are proven leaders -- proven fighters -- with a track record of changing the political terrain with their advocacy. We need that now more than ever. No weakness. Strength.

Can you chip in $3 or more to these bold progressive game-changers running for Congress in upcoming primaries? Donna Edwards (MD-04), David Segal (RI-02), Nida Allam (NC-04), and Jasmine Crockett (TX-30). Donate here.

This year, the giant Democratic economic agenda was slated to glide through Congress -- until corporate Dems in the House (from safe blue seats, no less) blocked the whole thing and gave Joe Manchin an opening to pounce in the Senate.

As a result, millions of children were thrown back into poverty. Parents in need of child care didn’t get it. Prescription prices remained high. Billionaires continue to avoid taxation.

Democratic congressional seats rarely open up. With so many retirements this year, it’s important for Democrats to seize that opportunity and elect the best possible progressives we can -- because we might not have another chance for decades.

Corporate PACs and Super PACs are supporting other candidates. America needs boldness at this moment, and your help is needed now.

Please donate to these bold progressive game changers. This is a once-in-a-generation cycle to elect bold champions in blue districts with retirements.

Please donate to these bold progressive game-changers. This is a once-in-a-generation cycle to elect bold champions in blue districts with retirements.

Thanks for being a bold progressive.

-- The PCCC Team (@BoldProgressive)




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