Dear People For Supporter, You’re probably still shocked and angered by the news from Monday night – we are too – that the Supreme Court is poised to wipe out our constitutional right to abortion that was upheld in Roe v. Wade. In the near term, Majority Leader Schumer announced that he’ll bring the House-passed Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA) – which codifies the protections in Roe v. Wade – to the floor of the Senate for another vote next week. However, the bill still faces a filibuster from far-right Senators hell-bent on inserting themselves into Americans’ private medical decisions, and the votes needed to abolish the filibuster and pass the bill by majority vote do not yet appear to be there. If this sweeping and deeply-flawed decision from the Supreme Court’s far-right members does come down as leaked, it will be a disaster not only for tens of millions of pregnant people, women, LGBTQ people, and anyone fighting to take charge of their own health or families – it will also spell disaster for the very idea of fundamental rights that our constitution guarantees. For the first time, if this decision becomes final, a majority of the court will have taken away a constitutional liberty that’s been recognized for 50 years. Furthermore, the far-right extremists on the court have apparently now trashed the concept of stare decisis – the common-sense legal principle of respect for previous decisions – implying that ANY hard-won social progress from previous decades is open to attack from this court. Finally, Justice Alito’s draft opinion – as leaked – not only eviscerates Roe; it seems designed to lay the foundation to overturn decades of law founded on privacy rights. Access to contraception, as well as interracial and same-sex marriage, may well be next up for revision or revocation by this Court. The right to choose, and potentially a litany of other hard-won fundamental rights, hang in the balance on this November’s ballot. We need to win real majorities this fall in both chambers of Congress, and immediately pass the WHPA to restore Americans’ right to abortion. If the Far Right seizes control of Congress, we know from our tracking of their movement that the immediate next step in their agenda will be the pursuit of a national BAN on abortions. And we need to continue the fight to restore balance and respect for individual rights to our courts – a job that would become impossible if Mitch McConnell once again becomes Majority Leader of the Senate. With more than 40 years' experience working in these areas, People For is ready for these fights – but as a grassroots-funded nonprofit organization, we depend on financial contributions from supporters like you to fuel our effective advocacy and electoral work.
We refuse to let the Far Right turn the clock back decades on Americans’ fundamental rights – and we hope you feel the same way. We thank you in advance for any support you can provide today, and as always, appreciate your fighting shoulder to shoulder with us for freedom, equality, opportunity and justice for all – the American Way. Sincerely, Ben Jealous, President P.S. Please save the date and mark your calendars for a day of action May 14th; more details to come.