More stories from the week and a new laugh!
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It's less than a month until the Western Conservative Summit [[link removed]]! Register for in-person or virtual tickets today.
Top Stories From the Week Biden laughs off inflation [[link removed]] at White House dinner.A leaked draft of SCOTUS opinion [[link removed]] on Roe V. Wade. Hillary can't hide 38 documents [[link removed]] from Durham. What is the end game [[link removed]] for the Roe V. Wade document leak? Who is the leaker [[link removed]]?Biden blast 'Ultra Maga' [[link removed]] agenda. Jen Psaki's last day [[link removed]] is May 13th. Harassing SCOTUS
A lefty activist group has posted a map claiming to show the homes of the six right-leaning Supreme Court justices [[link removed]], inviting the world to join in “a walk-by” next week.
Conflict of Interest
The new press secretary replacing Jen Psaki is already causing talk of conflict of interest [[link removed]]because she is in a long-term relationship with a CNN reporter.
COVID and Obesity
A new study says obesity can reduce the effectiveness of COVID vaccines [[link removed]] and cause complications.
DeSantis Would Destroy Biden
A new poll revealed that DeSantis would defeat Democratic [[link removed]] Biden [[link removed]] by 46 percent to 35 percent if the election were held today.
Your Funny for the Day!
Poll Watchers Ensure a Safe and Secure Election! [[link removed]]
State Primaries in May May 10th: Nebraska [[link removed]]and West Virginia [[link removed]]May 17th: Pennsylvania [[link removed]], North Carolina [[link removed]], Kentucky, Oregon, [[link removed]] and Idaho [[link removed]]May 24th: Georgia [[link removed]], Alabama [[link removed]], and Arkansas [[link removed]]
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