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Dear Friend,

Every decade or so something is published that changes the way America thinks. In 1980, Milton Friedman’s Free to Choose made the case for the free market.  In 1994, Newt Gingricht’s Contract with America mobilized conservatives across the country.
Douglas Murray’s new book, War on the West, could be equally influential in changing America’s political landscape.
After years of retreating before progressive academics and the ‘woke’ mob, Murray has written a rallying cry, showing American’s why they should stand proud.
Douglas Murray came to Mississippi this week to explain why.

Watch Douglas Murray in conversation with Douglas Carswell
The very day that Douglas Murray spoke in Mississippi, it was announced that his book was a New York Times best-seller.  Clearly Mississippi is setting the agenda!
Please do spare a moment for the feelings of the progressive journalists at the New York Times who might perhaps be feeling traumatised at the thought of a conservative book doing so well. 
But on a more serious note, we should also ask why Murray’s book is becoming such a sensation? 
Douglas Murray dares to declare certain truths that millions of Americans hold to be self-evident, but which our cultural and political elites seek to deny.  Murray speaks to millions of Americans who have had enough of seeing their country denigrated – and he shows what we can do to defend the American way of life.
I hope you enjoy the video of my discussion with him.  We will post the video of the talk he gave in Jackson in a few days, too.
Warm Regards,

Douglas Carswell
President & CEO
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