From Americans for Peace Now <[email protected]>
Subject APN Update - A must-read Alpher, ditto for Nir's op-ed, a fond farewell, and more
Date November 26, 2019 7:31 PM
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Americans for Peace Now: November 26, 2019


"Don't listen to those who hysterically charge that it is 'anti-Israel for American leaders to oppose the occupation or warn against annexation. Today, it is among the most pro-Israel things the US can do."

Ami Ayalon, former Shin Bet Director, in his Washington Post opinion piece "The occupation is tearing Israel apart. We need the United States' help to end it" [ [link removed] ].


Issue Briefs

Hard Questions, Tough Answers with Yossi Alpher [ [link removed] ]

Yossi Alpher is an independent security analyst. Views and positions expressed here are those of the writer, and do not necessarily represent APN's views and policy positions.

November 25, 2019 - State of Israel v. Binyamin Netanyahu; Binyamin Netanyahu v. State of Israel [ [link removed] ]

Q. Attorney General Avichai Mendelblit's decision to indict the prime minister on corruption charges is "an attempted coup"? Somebody has to "investigate the [police] investigators" who produced the corruption evidence? All the charges against him are a "conspiracy"? Where is Israel heading under PM Binyamin Netanyahu?

A. Unless the prime minister who leveled these accusations last Thursday night is stopped, Israel is headed toward a very bad place...

Q. Start with the indictments.

A. They encompass more than 60 pages...

Q. How authentic is his reaction to the indictments, which were long coming and could not possibly have surprised him?

A. How authentic is US President Trump when he addresses the current impeachment hearings and states, "They tried to overthrow the presidency. This is a disgrace"?...

Q. So Netanyahu can rally the Likud and his political base behind his drive to remain prime minister, thereby (he hopes) maintaining immunity from prosecution?

A. Here we encounter two distinct but interacting dynamics: legal and political...

Q. That's the legal dynamic. And the political?

A. The indictments were handed down the day after expiration of the mandate to form a government that was held by Blue-White's Benny Gantz...

Q. Wow! But hold on! Before you're done: last week Secretary of State Mike Pompeo recognized the legality of the West Bank settlements. Is this now irrelevant?

A. It's certainly "old news" in Israel's super-charged political and legal-constitutional environment...

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APN's Ori Nir oped in the Washington Jewish Week: "Trump nods to the Israeli dissenting interpretation"

Had Secretary of State Mike Pompeo joined me and my APN colleagues on our West Bank study tour last week, we would have shown him how fraught with illegality and illegitimacy West Bank settlements are.

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Settlement Watch

Al-Monitor: "Pompeo reinforces Netanyahu's occupation policies" by Akiva Eldar

In a 1991 petition to the Supreme Court, the anti-settlement movement Peace Now challenged the legality of the settlements. Even the justices of the country's top court did not dare rule they were legal.

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NEW APN Briefing Book on the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict for Presidential Candidates and Congress

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See APN's incisive rundown on the issues related to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and resolution, with recommendations for actions to take by Members of Congress and Presidential candidates.

Go HERE [ [link removed] ] for the online version of the booklet.

Matching Donation Offer for Distribution of Briefing Books from APN Chair Jim Klutznick

To ensure that this briefing book gets to as many policy makers and shapers as possible, Jim Klutznick has pledged up to $25,000 to match gifts received. Your tax-deductible contribution [ [link removed] ] will automatically be worth twice as much and will allow extensive distribution of our new briefing book.

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APN's Debra Shushan will soon be J Street's Debra Shushan

APN is bidding farewell to Debra, who for the past two years has been our Policy and Government Relations Director. She is taking a similar position within our community and will continue advancing our cause as J Street's new Director of Government Affairs.

We thank Debra for her work and wish her success. We are looking forward to collaborating with her in her new position at J Street!


In The News

8 years ago, APN approached me while I was on maternity leave...

News Nosh Editor Orly Halpern writes about the origins of APN's unique and free service, and why she sees it as "the best daily source of news information from the Hebrew media that is available to the public."

Go HERE [ [link removed]
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